Turquoise Gemstone Jewelry
Turquoise is a semi-precious stones. Color of turquoise jewelry ranges from sky blue through various shades of yellowish green to greenish gray. Blue, this stone is a green copper, iron. Turquoise is a happy color, which is a combination of pale blue sky and to promote the green sea and is said to provide you with happiness and increased confidence. Name of the stone means "Turkish stone" because it came in Europe from Turkey.
This stone protects the wearer from harm and to maintain the harmony of the couple. This gem stone is said to bring loyalty and logical relations. Turquoise is believed to bring good luck and good fortune. This stone is said to protect the wearer from negative energy, illness, and good luck. This stone is also considered a symbol of friendship. It is also often given as gifts and the friendship stone. Turquoise is also believed to protect against violence and accidents. Turquoise is also used as a valuable amulet for travelers. From time immemorial, the turquoise has been used in a natural protection against the forces of darkness. At one time, was said to protect the horse and rider from unexpected falls. Today they are used in a stone of protection for pilots, flight attendants and people are exposed to great risks.
Turquoise is one of the oldest protective amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. This gem was used by Egyptian pharaohs as jewelry. Turquoise was also considered a sacred stone and is mentioned in the book of Exodus in the Bible. This stone was often used in the turban often surrounded with pearls, to protect its wearer against the evil eye. These stones are also used for decorative purposes on the daggers and the bridles of the horses. This jewel is also known for its healing powers and widely used to treat depression. Those suffering from depression can be a pendant or necklace turquoise turquoise beads. This stone is also used to neutralize acidity, reduce pain and rheumatism and for the treatment of viral infections and stomach problems. The power of this little gem can be increased by providing a set of copper in the solar plexus.